Reflexxes Motion Libraries  Manual and Documentation (Type II, Version 1.2.6)
Example 5 — Making Use of Output Parameters of the Velocity-based algorithm

Below, you can find the source code of a sample application that makes use of the velocity-based Reflexxes algorithm and shows how to interpret the output values of the algorithm. The source file can be found in the folder


The resulting trajectory of this sample program is displayed below the source code.

//  ---------------------- Doxygen info ----------------------
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//   For a convenient reading of this file's source code,
//   please use a tab width of four characters.
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <ReflexxesAPI.h>
#include <RMLVelocityFlags.h>
#include <RMLVelocityInputParameters.h>
#include <RMLVelocityOutputParameters.h>

// defines

#define CYCLE_TIME_IN_SECONDS                   0.001
#define NUMBER_OF_DOFS                          3

// Main function to run the process that contains the test application
// This function contains source code to get started with the Type II
// Reflexxes Motion Library. Based on the program
// 04_RMLVelocitySampleApplication.cpp, this sample code becomes extended by
// using (and describing) all available output values of the velocity-based
// algorithm. As in the former example, we compute a trajectory for a
// system with three degrees of freedom starting from an arbitrary state of
// motion. This code snippet again directly corresponds to the example
// trajectories shown in the documentation.
int main()
    // ********************************************************************
    // Variable declarations and definitions

    bool                        FirstCycleCompleted         =   false   ;

    int                         ResultValue                 =   0       ;

    unsigned int                i                           =   0
                            ,   j                           =   0       ;

    ReflexxesAPI                *RML                        =   NULL    ;

    RMLVelocityInputParameters  *IP                         =   NULL    ;

    RMLVelocityOutputParameters *OP                         =   NULL    ;

    RMLVelocityFlags            Flags                                   ;

    // ********************************************************************
    // Creating all relevant objects of the Type II Reflexxes Motion Library

    RML =   new ReflexxesAPI(                   NUMBER_OF_DOFS
                                            ,   CYCLE_TIME_IN_SECONDS   );

    IP  =   new RMLVelocityInputParameters(     NUMBER_OF_DOFS          );

    OP  =   new RMLVelocityOutputParameters(    NUMBER_OF_DOFS          );

    // ********************************************************************
    // Set-up a timer with a period of one millisecond
    // (not implemented in this example in order to keep it simple)
    // ********************************************************************

    printf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"  );
    printf("Reflexxes Motion Libraries                             \n"  );
    printf("Example: 05_RMLVelocitySampleApplication               \n\n");
    printf("This example demonstrates the use of the entire output \n"  );
    printf("values of the velocity-based Online Trajectory         \n"  );
    printf("Generation algorithm of the Type II Reflexxes Motion   \n"  );
    printf("Library.                                               \n\n");
    printf("Copyright (C) 2014 Reflexxes GmbH                      \n"  );
    printf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"  );

    // ********************************************************************
    // Set-up the input parameters

    // In this test program, arbitrary values are chosen. If executed on a
    // real robot or mechanical system, the position is read and stored in
    // an RMLVelocityInputParameters::CurrentPositionVector vector object.
    // For the very first motion after starting the controller, velocities
    // and acceleration are commonly set to zero. The desired target state
    // of motion and the motion constraints depend on the robot and the
    // current task/application.
    // The internal data structures make use of native C data types
    // (e.g., IP->CurrentPositionVector->VecData is a pointer to
    // an array of NUMBER_OF_DOFS double values), such that the Reflexxes
    // Library can be used in a universal way.

    IP->CurrentPositionVector->VecData      [0] =   -200.0      ;
    IP->CurrentPositionVector->VecData      [1] =    100.0      ;
    IP->CurrentPositionVector->VecData      [2] =   -300.0      ;

    IP->CurrentVelocityVector->VecData      [0] =   -150.0      ;
    IP->CurrentVelocityVector->VecData      [1] =    100.0      ;
    IP->CurrentVelocityVector->VecData      [2] =     50.0      ;

    IP->CurrentAccelerationVector->VecData  [0] =    350.0      ;
    IP->CurrentAccelerationVector->VecData  [1] =   -500.0      ;
    IP->CurrentAccelerationVector->VecData  [2] =      0.0      ;

    IP->MaxAccelerationVector->VecData      [0] =    500.0      ;
    IP->MaxAccelerationVector->VecData      [1] =    500.0      ;
    IP->MaxAccelerationVector->VecData      [2] =   1000.0      ;

    IP->MaxJerkVector->VecData              [0] =   1000.0      ;
    IP->MaxJerkVector->VecData              [1] =    700.0      ;
    IP->MaxJerkVector->VecData              [2] =    500.0      ;

    IP->TargetVelocityVector->VecData       [0] =   150.0       ;
    IP->TargetVelocityVector->VecData       [1] =    75.0       ;
    IP->TargetVelocityVector->VecData       [2] =   100.0       ;

    IP->SelectionVector->VecData            [0] =   true        ;
    IP->SelectionVector->VecData            [1] =   true        ;
    IP->SelectionVector->VecData            [2] =   true        ;

    // ********************************************************************
    // Checking the input parameters (optional)

    if (IP->CheckForValidity())
        printf("Input values are valid!\n");
        printf("Input values are INVALID!\n");

    // ********************************************************************
    // Starting the control loop

    while (ResultValue != ReflexxesAPI::RML_FINAL_STATE_REACHED)

        // ****************************************************************
        // Wait for the next timer tick
        // (not implemented in this example in order to keep it simple)
        // ****************************************************************

        // Calling the Reflexxes OTG algorithm
        ResultValue =   RML->RMLVelocity(       *IP
                                            ,   OP
                                            ,   Flags       );

        if (ResultValue < 0)
            printf("An error occurred (%d).\n", ResultValue );

        // ****************************************************************
        // The following part completely describes all output values
        // of the Reflexxes Type II Online Trajectory Generation
        // algorithm.

        if (!FirstCycleCompleted)
            FirstCycleCompleted =   true;

            printf("General information:\n\n");

            if (OP->IsTrajectoryPhaseSynchronized())
                printf("The current trajectory is phase-synchronized.\n");
                printf("The current trajectory is time-synchronized.\n");
            if (OP->WasACompleteComputationPerformedDuringTheLastCycle())
                printf("The trajectory was computed during the last computation cycle.\n");
                printf("The input values did not change, and a new computation of the trajectory parameters was not required.\n");

            for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                printf("The degree of freedom with the index %d will reach its target velocity at position %.3lf after %.3lf seconds.\n"
                            ,   j
                            ,   OP->PositionValuesAtTargetVelocity->VecData[j]
                            ,   OP->ExecutionTimes->VecData[j]                  );

            printf("The degree of freedom with the index %d will require the greatest execution time.\n", OP->GetDOFWithTheGreatestExecutionTime());

            printf("New state of motion:\n\n");

            printf("New position/pose vector                  : ");
            for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                printf("%10.3lf ", OP->NewPositionVector->VecData[j]);
            printf("New velocity vector                       : ");
            for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                printf("%10.3lf ", OP->NewVelocityVector->VecData[j]);
            printf("New acceleration vector                   : ");
            for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                printf("%10.3lf ", OP->NewAccelerationVector->VecData[j]);
            printf("Extremes of the current trajectory:\n");

            for ( i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; i++)
                printf("Degree of freedom                         : %d\n", i);
                printf("Minimum position                          : %10.3lf\n", OP->MinPosExtremaPositionVectorOnly->VecData[i]);
                printf("Time, at which the minimum will be reached: %10.3lf\n", OP->MinExtremaTimesVector->VecData[i]);
                printf("Position/pose vector at this time         : ");
                for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                    printf("%10.3lf ", OP->MinPosExtremaPositionVectorArray[i]->VecData[j]);
                printf("Velocity vector at this time              : ");
                for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                    printf("%10.3lf ", OP->MinPosExtremaVelocityVectorArray[i]->VecData[j]);
                printf("Acceleration vector at this time          : ");
                for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                    printf("%10.3lf ", OP->MinPosExtremaAccelerationVectorArray[i]->VecData[j]);
                printf("Maximum position                          : %10.3lf\n", OP->MaxPosExtremaPositionVectorOnly->VecData[i]);
                printf("Time, at which the maximum will be reached: %10.3lf\n", OP->MaxExtremaTimesVector->VecData[i]);
                printf("Position/pose vector at this time         : ");
                for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                    printf("%10.3lf ", OP->MaxPosExtremaPositionVectorArray[i]->VecData[j]);
                printf("Velocity vector at this time              : ");
                for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                    printf("%10.3lf ", OP->MaxPosExtremaVelocityVectorArray[i]->VecData[j]);
                printf("Acceleration vector at this time          : ");
                for ( j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_DOFS; j++)
                    printf("%10.3lf ", OP->MaxPosExtremaAccelerationVectorArray[i]->VecData[j]);

        // ****************************************************************

        // ****************************************************************
        // Feed the output values of the current control cycle back to
        // input values of the next control cycle

        *IP->CurrentPositionVector      =   *OP->NewPositionVector      ;
        *IP->CurrentVelocityVector      =   *OP->NewVelocityVector      ;
        *IP->CurrentAccelerationVector  =   *OP->NewAccelerationVector  ;

    // ********************************************************************
    // Deleting the objects of the Reflexxes Motion Library end terminating
    // the process

    delete  RML         ;
    delete  IP          ;
    delete  OP          ;

    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS)  ;

Resulting trajectory of example 5 for velocity-based trajectory generation (05_RMLVelocitySampleApplication.cpp).

The variables

are only used by the Type IV Reflexxes Motion Library.

See also:
Screen Output of 05_RMLVelocitySampleApplication.cpp
Description of Output Values
Example 2 — Making Use of Output Parameters of the Position-based algorithm
User documentation of the Reflexxes Motion Libraries by Reflexxes GmbH (Company Information, Impressum). This document was generated with Doxygen on Mon Jul 7 2014 13:21:09. Copyright 2010–2014.